I don’t have to pay for college and I have a really good career.

Couldn’t wait to join
Chris was just 17 years old, a high school junior, when he discovered Catalyte’s software developer training and apprenticeship program. Problem was, one of the only program requirements is that trainees have to be 18 to join. He bookmarked the site and, a year later, registered to take the initial online screening.
A different path to success
Part of Catalyte’s appeal to Chris was the ability to launch a meaningful career without a college degree. College, and its associated debt, wasn’t for him. Bootcamps and part-time jobs would take too long and still cost too much. He had the drive to do more right away and just needed that first opportunity to prove his abilities. Catalyte eliminated that need for a degree and gave Chris a place to start.
This ended up as a best case scenario, where I don’t have to pay for college and I have a really good career.
Making the most of it
Chris has been with Catalyte for over five years. In that time he’s bought a house and is living an independent, debt-free life. He contrasts his good fortune with some friends who went to college, and now have student loans to pay off and careers to launch.
Looking towards the future
A frontend specialist with expert JavaScript, CSS and HTML skills, Chris is still learning new concepts and ways to better implement technologies every day. He has his sights set on a managerial position where he can help others like him, who want an alternative path into the tech industry, succeed at Catalyte.
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