Catalyte and RetrainAmerica subject of Baltimore Sun op-ed

Baltimore's Inner Harbor at sunset.

Put our talent to work

In May 2020 we helped launch RetrainAmerica, a national exchange that connects anyone – regardless of background, education or prior experience – with an opportunity to get retrained for jobs of the future.

One of the first major initiatives to come from RetrainAmerica was the Baltimore City Technology and Software Development Fellowship. Along with RetrainAmerica members Baltimore Corps and the City of Baltimore, this fellowship will create equitable and family-sustaining technology careers, build a sustainable talent pipeline for city agencies, improve community health outcomes and help modernize Baltimore’s IT infrastructure.

This is just the beginning, as outlined in a Baltimore Sun op-ed authored by Fagan Harris, president and CEO of Baltimore Corps. With the economy fundamentally changed as a result of the pandemic, we must continue to find new ways of discovering, training and advancing talent.

2020 marks the end of two decades of Catalyte leading this charge. We look forward to entering our third decade of advocating for extraordinary talent from unexpected places in 2021.


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